Terms and Conditions

It Takes A Village, Crystal Palace CIC is registered in England and Wales (company registration number: 14165213). Our registered address is 68 Ambergate Street, London, SE17 3RX. We can be contacted at hello@ittakesavillagecp.org.

The following Terms and Conditions apply to the provision of It Takes A Village, Crystal Palace CIC (“ITAV”) antenatal courses and workshops. Please read our Terms and Conditions before you book as you will be asked to confirm acceptance of the below during the booking process. These terms should also be read in conjunction with our Privacy and Cookie Policy.

Booking Terms & Conditions

Our antenatal courses are taught by those fully trained in their specialist field, who only give general educational advice and guidance about pregnancy, childbirth and baby care. Individual advice about your pregnancy, birth, and your and your baby’s personal health, cannot be provided, and you must seek the help of your own midwife, GP or other appropriate health professional if needed. ITAV cannot be held liable for the outcome of any decisions you may or may not take, based on information from our courses or course materials.

The outline of our antenatal courses can be found on our website, and details about our workshops will be available prior to booking. If for any reason a change is required to be made to the course or workshop content, or practitioners leading the session, we will notify you prior to session commencement. If, due to factors outside of our control, we are no longer able to run the course or session in person, we will endeavour to run it virtually, and will notify you ahead of time.

If you have been offered a fully subsidised spot on our antenatal courses or workshops, you may be asked to provide proof of your eligibility.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

In exceptional circumstances, we may be required to reschedule a course or workshop. We will endeavour to find a suitable alternative which caters for all participants, however if the new time and date is not convenient to you, we will issue a full refund less an administration fee. In the unlikely event that the venue is changed and a new venue is found within three miles of the original, no refund will provided.

Our courses and workshops require a minimum number of participants to run, and we reserve the right to cancel the course or workshop and issue a full refund if numbers are not met.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds for bookings cancelled by the participant, however, we may offer a part or full refund (less administration fee) at our discretion. If for any reason you are no longer able to attend at any point up until the start of the course or workshop, and there is a registrant on our waiting list, we will offer you a full refund (less administration fee).

Our Liability

No responsibility can be accepted by ITAV for any loss, damage, expense or any other consequence which may arise as a result (direct and/or indirect), of reliance on any information or advice provided by us either during our courses or workshops, or on our website. We cannot accept responsibility or liability for any injury to any person or property arising out of, or resulting from, attendance at our courses or workshops.

It Takes A Village, Crystal Palace CIC. Company Registration No: 14165213.